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Well London MWIA Evaluation Survey.pdf Well London MWIA Evaluation Survey
Author: Kevin Sheridan
Updated: 24-10-2013
SROI Evaluation of Changing Minds final version.pdf SROI Evaluation of Changing Minds
Author: Kevin Sheridan
Updated: 24-10-2013
Evaluating the effectiveness of community level interventions Evaluating the effectiveness of community level interventions
Author: Tom O'Neill
Updated: 31-03-2015
Evaluation of community level interventions.pdf BMJ Evaluation of community level interventions, Wall et al (2009)
Author: Tom O'Neill
Updated: 31-08-2014
Big Lottery Well-being Evaluations published Big Lottery Well-being Evaluations published
Author: Tom O'Neill
Updated: 23-03-2015
Evaluation- A synthesis report 2007-2011.pdf Well London Phase 1 Evaluation- A synthesis report
Author: Natalie Creary
Updated: 20-05-2014
Evaluation- A synthesis report 2007-2011.pdf Well London Phase 1 Evaluation- A synthesis report
Author: Tom O'Neill
Updated: 20-05-2014
happiness: Engaging and working with young people to boost health and well-being Youth, health
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 23-08-2011
Research and Evaluation Well London Research and Evaluation top level info page
Author: Kevin Sheridan
Updated: 29-04-2015
WellLondon_Phase 1 Evaluation synthesis report.pdf Well London Phase 1 Evaluation synthesis report
Author: Natalie Creary
Updated: 09-07-2014
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