Training Communities
The Well London Training Communities programme is led by the Royal Society of Public Health. This programme provides range of workshops, training courses and small training grants, develop the knowledge, skills and aspirations of residents living in the target Well London neighbourhoods.
The Training Communities programme currently includes the following opportunities:
Training for Well London Delivery Teams
A bespoke RSPH accredited training course has been developed for Well London Delivery Team volunteers to help them get the most our of their role. This is delivered locally and participants can also achieve the RSPH Level 2 accreditation in Understanding Health Improvement.
DIY Happiness Workshops
South London And Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) deliver DIY Happiness training workshops for volunteer residents from across the Well London areas. The training is based upon SLAM’s Wheel of Well-being and aims to enable residents to design and deliver tailor-made ‘happiness-boosting’ initiatives for their local neighbourhood. A series of follow on action learning sets provides on going support to the participants in their learning as they develop and deliver their neighbourhood well-being initiatives and use their knowledge in their local communities.
Personal Support Packages
Individual residents or groups of residents living in the target neighbourhood, who have participated in any of the Well London activities, can apply for a small training grant. This scheme is designed to support people in pursuing their aspirations for personal or collective training and development. The criteria for receiving a grant are very flexible and training grants have been awarded to support a very wide and interesting range of training courses from Urban Bee Keeping to Food Hygiene Certification.
A range of other training courses are also commissioned for local residents in response to common local needs and priorities identified through the CEAD processes. For example, other training commissioned has included: Healthy Spaces Champions Training focussed on improving local environments (Groundwork) and Community Activators Training focussed on promotion of local physical activity opportunities (Central YMCA).