DIY Happiness
DIY Happiness uses humour, creativity and evidence emerging from the field of positive psychology to provide practical advice and information to increase people's ability to 'bounce back' from adversity, reduce both the physical and the psychological impact of stress, increase resilience, and build durable personal resources.
Are you DIY Happy?
Do-it-Yourself Happiness provides a free 8-week workshop course designed to explore what really makes women happy including how to:
- Relax and enjoy some ‘me’ time,
- Improve your ability to cope with life's ups and downs,
- Reduce the stress in your life,
- Be more energetic and optimistic about the future,
- Eat yourself happy!
DIY Happiness Blog
The DIY Happiness team is collecting stories of how people experience and engage with the subjects that are covered as part of the DIY Happiness project to help create happiness kits. Visit and get blogging about what makes you happy!
Guardians of DIY Happiness
Contact The DIY Happiness Team
For more information about this project please contact:
Caro Swan Email: Tel: 020 3228 1695
Sherry Clark Email: Tel: 020 3228 1691