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Research and evaluation
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 16-08-2011
evaluation framework for their new Cultural Strategy. Mental Well-being Impact Assessment reports Improving Mental
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 17-08-2011
evaluated to identify how much the children have learned and if they have enjoyed it. Regular
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 22-08-2011

Pre- and post intervention questionnaires were carried out with customers at each café to ascertain
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 19-08-2011
DIY, parents and babies group, diabetes group, befriending group, knitting, and a host of exchanges
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 21-08-2011
Evaluation The course concluded with a feedback session to assess the effectiveness of the course
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 21-08-2011
Evaluation As the project is relatively new, only basic monitoring has been carried out. The co-op has an average
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 19-08-2011

All the workshops were attended by a diverse cultural mix of people that very
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 22-08-2011
happy to be involved with the café. It is a very special place. I now know
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 21-08-2011

In a survey of customers at Café Relax carried out in October 2009, 77% of respondents
Author: System Administrator
Updated: 21-08-2011
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